Our Mission
Our mission is to prepare students to be successful both inside and outside the classroom by equipping them with the intellectual, moral, social, and spiritual skills needed to excel. Our primary focus as a Christian Academy is to provide a thorough learning experience built on the Word of God. Our program is grounded in the pursuit of excellence and truth.
We consider the child’s success to be a team effort in which we all play an invaluable role. To have a home, church, and school working together to meet each child’s needs is crucial to the student’s overall success.
Our Philosophy
Our educational philosophy is to provide a high level, quality education that nurtures not only a student’s mind, but their heart and soul as well. We believe that the deepest form of knowledge is understanding, and strive to provide each child with the tools and resources he or she needs to fully grasp the concepts presented.
Through, Abeka, a trusted biblical curriculum, we strive to instill a solid foundation by which students can access their full potential. We strive to provide opportunities for learning and social experiences that will allow a child to use his or her own self-expression and inquisitive ideas. Because of a myriad of individualized learning styles, we encourage both students and parents to take an active role in the scholar’s academic journey. We want to provide each student with a maximum opportunity for total participation in all phases of his or her learning.
Statement of Faith
High Desert Christian Academy is committed to educating students with sound wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The realization of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone upon which all other learning will be built. Our guidance and teaching will be based on Biblical truths in order to give students an eternal perspective.